Visitor Policy
ECE policy requires that all visitors, without exception, must check in with the front office staff before proceeding into any classrooms. This policy is enforced for the safety of the students. Visitors sign in and obtain a badge at the front counter. Parents bringing items for their child (lunch, band instruments, homework, etc.) will be asked to leave the items with the front office personnel so that instructional time remains uninterrupted.
Those wishing to visit a classroom should make arrangements with the classroom teacher a day in advance. This policy is adhered to in order to prevent disruption of the instructional program. Unless prior arrangements have been made, unannounced parent/teacher conferences are not possible during the instructional day. English Crossing encourages open and ongoing communication with parents. Please call the school at 360-652-4515 or email Michele Ricci if you need information or would like to arrange a conference.